Experience Unlike Any Other

This class has given me experiences unlike any other, and truthfully I can say that there are many resources, ideas, and teachings I will transfer over into my own professional life. I think like any other full-time college student and worker, I can say that I put things I enjoyed on the back burner and homework and school first. What I loved about having the ILP integrated into a class, is that I was “forced” to integrate time in my life for the things that I enjoyed.

I loved the fact that I had a class that I got to integrate activities which I enjoyed! I don’t think that I can stress that fact enough. I found this class enjoyable, and adding an ILP into the mix made it that much better. I found the fact that we had set times that we had to dedicate to our ILP to be the easiest of all. I would set aside that specific time for that week and just work away on whatever it was until my time was up. On the same note, I also found fitting those hour time slots into a jam packed schedule to sometimes be challenging. Some days I was so overwhelmed with work and school and fitting something in like my ILP stressed me out even more, because I felt like I didn’t have enough time. It always ended up working out.

The best part of the project for me has been stepping outside of my comfort zone and being able to give back to the community and the people I love. I had never reached out to an organization to work with before, so making those community relationships for me has been great. These skills will come in handy while teaching if I need to make relationships with community organizations. I also loved dedicating my time to crafting, which I love, but also being able to gift those to doggies/kitties in need and the people that I loved. I think that serving others fills my heart more than making things for myself.

I think that independent learning is something that is important as a learner. I’ve realized that I learn about myself personally as well as a student when I have worked on my ILP. You learn how you work best, you make ways to get the job done, and you learn about your own work ethic. I think that even an hour a week to two hours a week for an ILP in my classroom would be beneficial to my students. As I’ve said previously, this class has given me  a plethora of resources and learning experiences that I hope to incorporate in the class.

14 thoughts on “Experience Unlike Any Other

  1. ashlynhansondiglit says:

    I would agree that this ILP experience was unlike any other college class I have taken. It is not a common thing to have a weekly homework assignment that requires you to do something that you love, and I think this is why it has been so enjoyable! How fun would it be to think of a class project you could do that allowed your students to be crafty while reaching out to help the community in some way. What better way to teach your students the importance of kindness, generosity, teamwork, etc..! Thanks for sharing, Hillary!


    • hillarybollish says:

      I agree. Before this class I had never had a class where we got to pick anything under the sun to focus on a few hours a week on, and it be part of the class. That’s such a great idea, I think it’s important to instill a sense of kindness, generosity, and teamwork in students at a young age!


  2. littlebrainfood says:

    It’s pretty rare to come across an assignment where we get to base it on our personal interest instead of a prompt, but to be given an entire semester dedicated to learning something that is a personal interest is pretty awesome like you said. The way it sound is that most of us classmates have learned more from this class then others because we got to all do the same thing yet base it off what we like. Do you see yourself doing something similar to ILP’s in your future classroom? I hope you continue working with your community because it sounds like you’ve made a pretty big difference to some animals already! 🙂


  3. hillarybollish says:

    I agree, I have never in any of my undergraduate classes been able to base an assignment completely off of my interests. I hope I am able to incorporate something like an ILP in my classroom, it was extremely beneficial for me as a college student, but who knows how younger middle school aged students would be able to handle something like an ILP.


  4. mackennamarie says:

    I am really glad that this assignment made you focus on you. So many times we are “too busy” to do the things we love and really get time to ourselves, especially during school. I think that you learning so much from your ILP is very beneficial for you, both for your personal development and being a teacher! Great post!


  5. hillarybollish says:

    Thanks Mackenna, I am too! Many times, especially now that we are towards the end of our education, I find less and less time to spend on myself, and find myself dedicating more hours to studying, homework, and in general trying to catch up with my to do list around the house!


  6. ckulpsite says:

    This semester has made me feel so swamped with life that I really haven’t had time to do anything for myself either. It’s difficult to make your mind basically work all hours of the day and all days of the week. I find myself contemplating the worth but after everything it makes me feel good to see what I can accomplish and how hard I can work to achieve something. I didn’t choose to do anything super fun as my ILP but learning Spanish has always been something in the back of my mind and now I had a reason to start.


  7. blogwithkel says:

    This is a great post. I really agree that this class has very widely broadened my horizons and I cannot wait to use the tools and ideas that this class gave me in the classroom.


  8. vmfank says:

    You were already an outgoing person and this just magnified your amazing personality. Comfort zones are hard to step out of, but when we do, we learn wonderful things about ourselves. I commend you for giving back to your community. You will make an amazing teacher. You inspire me to do more for others. I am sure that will run over to your students as well. 🙂


    • hillarybollish says:

      Thanks Val, sometimes I don’t feel like that! I agree, I think that comfort zones are almost something that are made to be broken out of, if you do then you learn so much more about yourself and what you are capable of. I know that you will be an amazing teacher as well Val!

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